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Four Steps to Living a More Harmonious Life

Four Steps to Living a More Harmonious Life

Four Steps to Living a More Harmonious Life

Living “harmoniously”…what does that mean? What comes to mind when you this of living a life of harmony? To me, it means living in peace, with a knowing that everything in my life is happening in just the way it’s supposed to happen.

Harmony is something that you can foster in your life in small, subtle ways. And often these small, subtle changes can have far-reaching results when it comes to how joyfully you’re living! Of course, I want you to live the best life possible – so without further adieu, here are the four steps that you can take to live a more harmonious life!

  1. Don’t Take Things Personally – It’s so easy these days to think that everything is directed towards us, but in fact, that’s rarely the case. When you become offended by something, stop and consider the circumstances. Was what offended you directed towards you? Did you take it out of context? It’s possible that what offended you, bothered you, or got your hackles up had absolutely nothing to do with you. Often, we feel offended by things that reflect how we’re feeling internally. For instance, if someone made a comment about a parenting technique they don’t like, and you think they’re talking about you, it may be because you feel inside as if you’re not being the parent you know you should be. Always look inside for clues when you feel something negative is being directed toward you.
  2. Stop Expecting Things To Be Different Than They Are – When you expect situations or people to be different than they are, you simply create your own misery and dissatisfaction. So stop doing this! Know that people might not do the things you want them to or live the way you think they should – but love them anyway without attempting to change them. Be at peace when situations don’t live up to your expectations, and have faith that everything will eventually fall into place exactly as it is intended. Let go of the control illusion, and you will allow so much more harmony to pervade your life!
  3. Love Unconditionally – Possibly the most important, life-changing thing that you can do for yourself and those around you is to learn to love unconditionally, without judgement, without rules, and without borders. Meet everyone where they’re at, and love them. Love when things are going your way, love when they aren’t. Love when you feel celebrated, and love when you feel wronged. The more you exude love, the more love will come back to you 100-fold. A peaceful, harmonious heart is one that loves unconditionally.
  4. Forgive – Maybe you’ve heard the saying that forgiveness is for you, not the one you’re forgiving. And it’s so true! Learn to let go of the anger and resentment you harbor. This doesn’t mean you allow people to continue to mistreat you; it means that you are evolved enough to know that harboring these negative feelings is simply not good for you. So let it go, and forgive. A whole new world of harmony will open up to you when you do!


Align With Your True Purpose and Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed of With Ease. Get Your FREE Intro to Vibrational Transformation from Panache Desai, Vibrational Catalyst for Spiritual and Personal Transformation.


The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh


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Align With Your True Purpose and Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed of With Ease. Get Your FREE Intro to Vibrational Transformation from Panache Desai, Vibrational Catalyst for Spiritual and Personal Transformation.