Free Online Seminar
The Power of Attention

Everything in the created universe, including matter, thought and emotions, is energy vibrating at a specific frequency. And everything arises from the field of pure awareness – the Self. Out of pure consciousness springs the subtlest vibration and then that vibration takes on a specific frequency and a specific density to form a feeling, a thought or, in its densest form, matter. So energy becomes a slower vibration as it becomes denser.

You have the power to follow a vibration from gross to subtle or from subtle to gross levels through your attention. You have the power to experience all levels of something.

During my free online seminar, you will learn about and experience four vital powers of attention:

  • It allows you to experience all levels and fields of life
  • It allows you to merge with a specific vibration
  • It allows you to seize the most powerful possibilities
  • It allows you to create a vibrational frequency regardless of time, space or condition.

In my upcoming course, Recognition and Remembrance, I will take you through the process of mastering the power of directed consciousness. This course is an immersive experience in the essential aspects of the Self and also a training in how to use the power of directed consciousness to connect to and live in those aspects of Joy, Abundance, Well-being, Peace and Love.

I will also take you through the process of recognition that allows you to immerse yourself in the highest vibrations of your experiences and your authentic nature.

Register below for The Power of Attention free online seminar where I will lay the vibrational foundation for the Recognition and Remembrance course by activating the four vital powers of attention within you.

Register here for the Free Online Seminar by entering your Name and Email Address below. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly.


The Power of Recognition and Remembrance

Immerse yourself in the highest vibrational aspects of yourself through powerful teachings and practices and be anchored in the highest outcomes possible in your life.

The Power of Recognition and Remembrance is an immersive experience and training on how to use the power of directed consciousness to connect to and live in the essential aspects of the Self – Joy, Abundance, Well-being, Peace and Love.

When you recognize joy, abundance, well-being, peace or love, which are the principle aspects of the Self, you activate that vibration and energy within you. When you recognize aspects of the Self in your current experience, you infuse your vibration with this highest vibration. This raises your vibration, elevates your experience and expands consciousness. This is a core tenant of vibrational transformation…

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