Live Daily Support From Panache - Stop Simply Surviving and Begin to Thrive!
Shift from Survival to
Liberating the Bliss of You
11:00 AM ET – 2:00 PM ET (One Hour Break for Lunch) 3:00 PM ET – 5:00 PM ET
11:00 AM ET – 2:00 PM ET
(One Hour Break for Lunch)
3:00 PM ET –5:00 PM ET
Nothing delivers a sense of freedom, possibility, and excitement like a lifestyle overhaul. One that begins internally with an expansion of vibration and frequency, and ends with unleashing and liberating your love and bliss.
Where life was once frustrating and overwhelming, it becomes easier. You wake up more comfortable and content because you are less impacted by the ups and downs. The past no longer looms large in your daily focus. This vibe shift delivers you from survival, fear, stress, and overwhelm into love, beauty, and expansion.
Lean into your experience of life without judgment and open your heart to the appreciation of it all. Join Panache for a LIVE 5-hour Online Immersion where he will empower you to move from contraction to vulnerability, allowing you to fully embrace whatever is unfolding with wonder and curiosity. This is a life-changer as you surrender and accept that there are no mistakes. What makes your life beautiful is YOU! You are no longer just getting by… You are Living. Amplified.
“When you open your heart, you infuse this technicolor kaleidoscope of potential and possibility into a masterpiece.”
“Once connected to your heart, life starts to guide you to the next obvious step. Confusion is gone and grace becomes your internal guidance system.”
If you are overwhelmed by what’s showing up in your life; the devasting health diagnosis, the life-changing divorce, the ongoing financial challenges, the all-consuming fear and anxiety, or the overwhelming loneliness, you are living in an endless spiral of contraction. You become paralyzed and are unable to consciously align with the Divinely orchestrated experience you have come here to have.
Free up space in your day-to-day and illuminate your life. The cards you’ve been dealt are the perfect hand to complete and realize the magnificence of all that you are.
What makes your life magical is YOU.
Panache delivers wisdom, insights and energetic expansion gleaned from living a life sourced from acceptance. Take this opportunity to experience a complete inner-lifestyle overhaul and find the beauty, grace, curiosity and wonder that will illuminate every area of your life.
* Only for 5 Days Until Midnight ET Sunday, Feb 9
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