31 Dec 2014 Resolution To Evolution
Bless the Past and Open to the Future
What if I told you that 2014 was going to be your best year ever? Would you believe me? What if I said regardless of how 2013 unfolded, everything is moving you into greater alignment with your highest potential.
The New Year is typically a time to look back and reflect on how far we’ve come. But often when we examine our past, we’re coming from a place of judgment. The “coulda, woulda and shouldas” haunt us, burdening any new beginning with the vibrational heft of guilt, shame and resentment. Judgment around your past experiences only cements these feelings like emotional concrete, starting off your shiny new year at a deficit.
Before you tackle the resolutions of weight loss, financial goals and meaningful relationships, lay down the most powerful vibrational foundation that you can – a foundation that will allow you to meet life from an expanded space of openness and as your most brilliant self.
Prioritize communing with your own spirit each day. Any and all answers that you are searching for will be found in the silence of your own, unique daily practice. This doesn’t need to be complicated, expensive or intricate. Simply sitting in silence for as little as 3 minutes each day will fundamentally shift the way you meet life and how life meets you.
Beginning tomorrow and on each of the blessed 365 mornings on the horizon, start from scratch and vibrationally imprint how you would like your day to go. Ups and downs and challenges will happen, but the most important thing is to start from a place of love, acceptance and an open heart as you look forward to each coming day.
2014 is the Divine’s invitation for you to align your personality with your soul and unleash your infinite potential. In doing so, you transform the most mundane of moments into an opportunity to connect with your higher self.
There is a blessing in all that is unfolding in your life. I see your brilliance. I know your possibilities. Your potential is far greater than your perceived mistakes.
Celebrate your life every day and if you are in the habit of reciting a prayer, mantra or affirmation, I give you this one…
Today I call into being the absolute best for me. I love and bless every person I meet and every experience I have.
All of it. Everything.
When we embrace our life for the magnificent blessing it is, every day is New Year’s Day.