05 Oct Webcast Series: Claiming Freedom – 6 Part Series Bundle
Utilize 6 ½ hours of vibrational tools and technologies and Claim Your Freedom from a past that cannot define you and a present that no longer reflects your limitless magnificence. In this series, Panache guides you through a Vibrational Consciousness Check-Up so that you may lovingly assess where you sit today, cultivate a stronger connection to infinite consciousness and bring forth the life that you desire.
Part 1: The Greatest Possibility of You – Re-established
On January 1, 2012, Panache presented “The Greatest Possibility of You”, a timeless message encoded with off-the-charts vibrational technologies. Watch and be reinformed of all that is possible.
Part 2: The State of Your State: A Vibrational Check-Up and Evaluation
Dive into the magnitude of what is available to you by uncovering where you are today and what is keeping you from achieving all that you desire.
Part 3: Reaffirm Your Purpose
Do not be straddled with maintaining the status quo when the most powerful energies and frequencies to ever bathe this reality are waiting to support you in living an extraordinary life.
Part 4: Align With Your Passion
Ignite an inner-fire to create clarity for what it is that you most want. Declare your dream or desire. Then get ready to stretch into the ultimate experience.
Part 5: Present Moment Building Blocks
It’s time to take Divinely inspired action and walk into a life that reflects your magnificence. Affect your future with the vibrational tools and technologies that anchor you in the now.
Part 6: Q&A Consciousness Boost
Panache offers activations and attunements to support the collective in moving through the energies that are presented through the vehicle of participants’ questions.