30 Aug How To Feel Fear To Move Past It
There is one thing and one thing alone that is keeping you from love and intimacy, more money, better health, youthfulness and vibrancy…
That one thing is the biggest chokehold in your experience of being human and that one thing is fear—but more your inability to function in the presence of that energy…
Fear is a sure fire sign that you’re bumping up against the edge of your known reality or your comfort zone. I want to empower you right now to navigate the experience of fear when it arises from within you.
Fear triggers the part of us that’s rooted in survival and that’s why we’re unable to deal with it. We either fight, run away or freeze.
All of these behaviors don’t serve us and they don’t allow us to fully thrive and flourish into all that we’re becoming and all that we’re growing into.
How do you own fear and recognize that it is an ally in your evolution?
- Think of a time or a moment when fear began to arise within you.
- Take a breath and get in touch with that moment of fear.
- Begin to presence that one moment in your life that triggers the experience of fear over and over again.
- Once you’ve got it, simply presence where fear is currently expressing itself in the body.
- Do the opposite of what your survival functioning deems that you need to do in this moment.
- Begin to give your attention to your body. Rest your awareness in your lower back, your stomach, your heart wherever that tension is.
- Get in touch with the specific manifestation of stress or fear or worry that you’re present to right now.
Be courageous. Welcome your fear. Bring it into your awareness.
Give it your attention in your body and allow the chokehold that it has had on your life to loosen until it no longer has any power over you. You are a limitless being with a limitless potential and you have the capacity to move into alignment with all that you desire and more.
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How To Feel Fear To Move Past It
Hi Sweet Friends, it’s Panache!
What if I told you that there was one thing and one thing alone that was keeping you from the love and intimacy that you desire more than anything in your life?
What if I told you there was one thing that was keeping you from more money than you could ever spend within your lifetime?
What if I told you that there was one thing and one thing alone that was keeping you from the health, youthfulness and vibrancy that is your birthright?
What if I told you that there is one singular thing that is the biggest choke hold in your experience of being human…
…And what if I told you that that one thing, my beloved friends, was fear, and not specifically fear, but more your inability to function in the presence of that energy?
Everything is nothing more than an energy in motion. Fear is going to arise in your experience when you’re up to living an extraordinary life. In fact, people who are committed to living an extraordinary existence will feel fear more than people who aren’t.
Fear is a sure fire sign that you’re bumping up against the edge of your known reality or your comfort zone. Every time fear arises in my experience, I start to get excited because I know that more health, more money, more vitality, more connection and more intimacy awaits me on the other side of it…
…And it is for that reason that I want to empower you right now to navigate the experience of fear when it arises from within you.
Fear triggers the part of us that’s rooted in survival and that’s why, for the most part, we’re unable to deal with it. We either fight, we run away or we freeze.
All of these behaviors don’t serve us in the midst of a business decision. All of these behaviors don’t serve us in the midst of a disagreement with a spouse or a partner. These behaviors, as much as they insure our survival, don’t allow us to fully thrive and flourish into all that we’re becoming and all that we’re growing into.
It’s time to own fear and it’s time to recognize that fear is an ally in your evolution. You see, the only issue with fear is that you get stuck by it. You allow it to limit you, and my sweet friends, I want to remind you that you’re only ever as limited as you allow yourself to be…
So are you ready? Good! Think of a time or a moment when fear began to arise within you. It could be all of a sudden you’re in an office meeting and your work schedule has been pushed out three months in advance and you don’t feel like you have the skills required to keep up with everything.
In that moment, fear manifests overwhelm or stress.
Fear could have arisen in the midst of a relationship where your spouse shares the dreaded words, we need to talk. In that moment all of a sudden, tightness and constriction begins to come over your body and you’re unable to function. The thought of this conversation lingers within your experience all day long, robbing you of your ability to be creative, to inspire and to uplift.
In some cases, it can come in the form of a world event, an economic meltdown, a mass shooting, an act of terrorism… It can come in the form of news that someone in your family has received regarding their health.
Fear takes so many forms and the more we’re empowered to be open in the presence of it, the less we’re impacted by it because it’s those people that have mastered their ability to no longer let fear limit them, that go on to win in every single situation in life and living.
It’s those individuals that go on to excel in the greatest of ways and we have so many great living examples of entrepreneurs of people in the world who are creative, of people in the world who are showing us a greater way of being who have in turn taken the time to master fear.
They’ve taken the time to own their fear and to actively seek out everywhere within them where they are still afraid so that they can excel and so that they can operate at the leading vibrational edge.
Just take a breath right now. Just get in touch with that moment of fear. Get in touch with those words that you are afraid to hear. Get in touch with that experience that just tightens your belly… that all of a sudden leaves you stressed out and just filled with tension.
Just begin to presence that one moment in your life that triggers the experience of fear over and over again and once you’ve got it, I want you to simply presence where fear is currently expressing itself in the body.
For most people, fear shows up in the lower back or the shoulders. For some, it shows up in their stomachs. For some, it shows up in their hearts. Depending on what triggered the feeling of fear that determines where fear shows up in our physicality.
And all I want you to do right now, in the absence of the actual stimuli, in the absence of the actual thing in reality that evokes the presence of fear…
…I want you to simply, through your memory, through your ability to recall, through your ability to evoke a moment where fear arises… I want you to presence it, and here’s what I want you to do….
…I want you to do the opposite of what your survival functioning deems that you need to do in this moment. We can’t run. We can’t fight. We can’t freeze but what we can do is take a page out of nature’s playbook and simply feel the fear that’s arising within us.
Everything in nature experiences fear, however the only difference is once fear or the form of fear of the thing that triggers fear is gone… they’ll shake it out, they’ll go back to a place of neutrality and they’ll go on with our day.
The only problem is that we as human beings don’t have that same capacity.
So begin to give your attention to your body. Begin to rest your awareness in your lower back, your stomach, your heart wherever that tension is. Shoulders… Some of you carry the weight of the world in your shoulders.
And begin to get in touch with the specific manifestation of stress or fear or worry that you’re present to right now. Begin to get in touch with that.
The very second, my sweet friends, you cultivate the courage to give fear your attention, your awareness and no longer run away from it is the moment that you have conquered fear and it is the moment that you have set yourself up for a life of more money than you can ever spend, more health than you could ever imagine, intimacy and love that is boundless…
It is in that moment that you become limitless. It is in that moment that you go from being finite to infinite.
Now just imagine if this one simple tool and if this one simple awareness could fundamentally transform your experience exponentially 10 fold, 100 fold, 1000 fold, 10,000 fold, 100,000 fold, 100,000,000 fold…
…How often would you welcome fear? Would you still be afraid of it? Would you still engage in it, in a way that is based in survival or would you own fear?
Would you be empowered in the presence of it and would you simply surrender to it, welcoming it knowing that everything that you want is on the other side of your fear?
My sweet friends, today… Be courageous. Welcome your fear. Bring it into your awareness.
Give it your attention in your body and allow the chokehold that it has had on your life to loosen until it no longer has any power over you. You are a limitless being with a limitless potential and you have the capacity to move into alignment with all that you desire and more.
Simply be with this, apply this, use it… Use it every time fear arises and watch what happens.
I love you! Here’s to living fearlessly!
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