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How to Strengthen Your Willpower

What if I told you that you’re only ever as limited as you allow yourself to be? That sheer willpower doesn’t come from pushing and forcing what you think you should do.

It comes from feeling and tuning into the truth of your soul.

When you take action from a place of alignment, you can do anything.

In this video, discover:

  • you can access willpower from a place of grace and ease instead of pushing and trying to force yourself to do something….
  • How standing in your truth has the power to change the world and shift paradigms…
  • How to surrender your identity and align with the power of Divine light and love…

When you know your essential Self is the source of willpower, you can access all that you could ever need.

Watch the video below to learn how:


Align With Your True Purpose and Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed of With Ease. Get Your FREE Intro to Vibrational Transformation from Panache Desai, Vibrational Catalyst for Spiritual and Personal Transformation.

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How to Strenghten Your Willpower

People confuse willpower with a dogged sense of determination. Well I want you to know that that simply just isn’t the truth.

We have to first examine what the true source of your power is, how we can align with it and then how we can begin to authentically express that in every area of life and living.

What if I were to tell you that the true source of your power was actually your soul and that your greater alignment with your soul brings forth your ability to remain steadfast and confident in the midst of life’s most challenging events?

There have been moments throughout history where people have had to stand in the truth of who they are in the midst of adversity.

In the midst of every great paradigm shift or every calamity that we’ve gone through as a species, people have had to draw on the strength of their soul to bring something into being that didn’t exist.

We’ve also seen it in moments where a child is trapped under a car wheel and a slight mother of five foot two who’s all of about one hundred pounds is able to clearly lift this car off of that child.

We as human beings, when we align with the power of our soul, tap into an extraordinary ability and the more we can consciously do this, the more we can begin to attract into our lives dynamic strength, dynamic fortitude and courage to keep going and to keep moving on.

You’re only ever as limited as you allow yourself to be.

You’re only ever as limited as the depth of your connection and it is for that reason that I’ve always advocated for people to have a depth of connection first and foremost.

The degree to which you know yourself and the degree to which you can access your authentic self is the degree to which you can align with the power that lives at your core and then express that at will in your life.

In every single moment of challenge, instead of trying to solve the issue through the lens of our ego or through the lens of our identity, instead turn within.

Turn to the power of the soul recognizing that in the moment there is a problem there is a part of you that already has the solution.

In the perceived incompletion, there is a part of you that is already whole and complete.

In the face of the disease or illness, there is a part of you that is abiding in eternal health and in the presence of a financial crisis or calamity; there is a part of you that is eternally vibrating at the level of abundance.

My sweet friends, in every moment by aligning with the true source of our power, by surrendering our identity and our ego to our soul, we are utilizing the power of that light and that love that we are on our essential level. It is this that allows us to move on. It is this that allows us to keep going. It’s this that allows us to push beyond our known limits.

Close your eyes for a moment just open your palms. I want you to begin to think of a situation or circumstance where you are experiencing some level of profound struggle right now.

It can be in your marriage, it can be in your health, it can be in your relationship with yourself, you may have reached a heightened level of self-loathing and self-hatred that is beginning to have you question whether you even want to carry on.

Just bring that into your awareness in this moment and as much as what you’re facing may seem insurmountable, as much as what you’re experiencing may seem impossible to get beyond, I want you to know that at a deeper level of connection, there’s an answer and a solution right now waiting for you.

I want you to lovingly extend your breath all the way down to the base of your spine.

I want you to get into your body to profoundly connect, to begin to move into a deeper place of relaxation, to begin to move into a deeper place of alignment with the true source of your power and I’m going to loving ask in this moment that this power, this light, this love, this information, this abundance, this health, this intimacy connection, whatever is required begin to arise from your core because that is the source of your strength.

The degree to which you are confident in your connection with the part of you that is divine is the degree to which you are equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs.

I’m going to ask in this moment that the highest and best outcome for you come into being and that you be supported fully in being guided in accessing the intuition, in meeting the people you have to meet and in connecting with the resources required to have a breakthrough that moves you beyond this limitation and every other limitation you are currently experiencing.

When you begin to align with the true source of power in your life, nothing is off limits; everything becomes possible; everything becomes available.

In this moment I’m going to ask for a profound connection to and with your soul recognizing that is the source of all and that when you walk in harmony and alignment with your soul you are walking in harmony and alignment with the divine itself and with the divine, my beloved friends, all things become possible.


Align With Your True Purpose and Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed of With Ease. Get Your FREE Intro to Vibrational Transformation from Panache Desai, Vibrational Catalyst for Spiritual and Personal Transformation.