07 Aug Inner Peace, Outer Change
It’s impossible to ignore turmoil taking place around the world today. War, epidemic diseases, natural disaster, and rising death tolls dominate the daily news cycle. It's easy to succumb to feeling overwhelmed by global events; indeed they are powerful illustrations of how powerless we actually are.
For me, there is a transcendent lesson in this acknowledgment of our own powerlessness. There comes a point when you have to stop running away from your feelings and surrender to them. Accepting your inherent lack of control opens the doorway to true empowerment.
When you come to the realization that the world is going to be what it’s going to be, liberation begins. Instead of focusing on external events, you are free to do the inner work and turn the lens of awareness on yourself: reflecting on places where you’re not in harmony and embracing your pain, conflict, or struggle. As you make this revolutionary shift, you move out of victimhood and into a place of honesty and freedom.
The moment you begin to engage in the world from a place of personal responsibility and clarity within yourself, you will realize that you are the source of all change on the planet. If you tend to your internal peace, you’re tending to peace on earth. It’s imperative for you as a conscious individual to have a look inside at all the things you don’t want to see. This is the only way you can unite with others and make a tangible difference in the world.
What’s unfolding in the outside world is providing you with an opportunity to do the work on your inner world. If you come into harmony with who you are, peace on earth is that much closer. It’s not about the magnitude of your good deeds. As you come to love all aspects of yourself, that love becomes contagious and in some ways more profound than all the external contributions that have ever been made. The more you are at ease with yourself, the more your energy will shift, and anything that stands in the way of peace will be yesterday’s news.
The Inner Peace Initiative is a global movement rooted in personal responsibility that firmly believes in providing individuals the effective tools they need to embody peace in every aspect of life and be the change they wish to see in the world. The Inner Peace Initiative Day is dedicated to the empowerment of the individual and the expansion of that potential when united with a like-minded collective.
Our deepest wish is for this day to mark the beginning of a universal clarion call for humanity to choose peace above all else.
May peace prevail on earth – now and always.