06 Jul How To Make Great Choices For Yourself Rather Than Just Jumping To Fill A Void
After a divorce or a breakup of a relationship, there’s typically a tendency to want to fill that void with something new. More often than not, this is an attempt to validate yourself as being a good person who is lovable and desirable.
However, what I’ve discovered is that reaching outside of you for somebody else isn’t the answer.
That may bring a certain level of temporary satisfaction, but it isn’t going to bring you the fulfillment that you are actually seeking in relationship.
When we engage in these back to back relationship scenarios, we’re not allowing ourselves to evolve vibrationally enough to begin to attract something greater into our lives.
It’s important that we:
• Begin to pause…
• Take time for self-reflection…
• Allow ourselves to hit the reset button…
• And recognize the unconscious drivers that are prompting us to immediately begin to reach for another…
All of this happens because we’ve made people, in some way, the solution to our own inner incompletions and that simply isn’t true!
We must address everything that is within us. We must look within our own hearts and see why we continue to make the choices and decisions that we’re making.
The majority of choices we make are unconscious… However, evolution of awareness and consciousness in energy allows us to choose differently.
Allow yourself to become aware of where you are choosing from and ultimately follow that which feels the most expansive.
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Hi Sweet Friends, It’s Panache!
More often than not, after a divorce or a breakup of a relationship, there’s a tendency to want to fill that void with something new. More often than not this is an attempt to validate yourself as being a good person, as being lovable, as being desirable.
However, what I’ve discovered is that reaching outside of you for somebody else isn’t the answer.
That although that may bring a certain level of temporary satisfaction or a validation that you’re not broken or that you weren’t the problem or that somebody actually can be with you; it isn’t going to bring you the fulfillment that you are actually seeking in relationship.
You see, when we engage in these back to back relationship scenarios or dating scenarios, we’re not allowing ourselves to evolve vibrationally enough to begin to attract something greater into our lives.
That’s why it’s important that we begin to pause, that we take the time for self-reflection, that we allow ourselves to hit the reset button and that most importantly of all, we begin to recognize the unconscious drivers that are prompting us to immediately begin to reach for another.
I firmly believe that all of this happens because we’ve made people, in some way, the solution to our own inner incompletions and that simply isn’t true!
We must, at a certain point, begin to address everything that is within us. We must, at a certain point, begin to look within our own hearts, to begin to see why we continue to make the choices and decisions that we’re making.
The majority of choices that people make, as it pertains to relationship post-divorce or post breakup, are unconscious. They’re completely unaware of why they’re attracted to the people they’re attracted to and why they’re bringing somebody else immediately into their lives.
And more often than not, I’ve discovered that they will choose a person who exactly meets their unconscious requirements and that after they’ve gone through the initial point of attraction and that post-sexual phase of intimacy, the same conditions that they experienced in their marriage or in their relationship will begin to arise again.
So please do yourself a favor and pause. Allow yourself to be okay being by yourself. Take the time to begin to uncover what it is in you that continues to make the same choices and then in turn experience the same outcomes.
You see, evolution of awareness and consciousness in energy allows us to choose differently. It allows us to bring into being different outcomes, different possibilities and different scenarios for us in the world.
It is for that reason that we must stop, that we must pause and that we must simply allow ourselves to take a break from the endless hamster wheel of trying to fill some imaginary void that we believe we have or trying to find some level of validation that we felt as though we didn’t have in our past relationships.
There is a reason why you are where you are. Make the most of this precious pause. Make the most of this golden opportunity and allow yourself to redefine the way relationships show up for you. Allow yourself to become aware of where you are choosing from and ultimately follow that which feels the most expansive.
You are being guided home to your own heart and this precious pause will allow you to permanently reside there forever more.
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