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Making Magic Happen

Making Magic Happen: The Energetic Expansion When We Gather with Intention

Something truly awe inspiring happens when people gather with the intention for growth, expansion, and connection. It’s this powerful energetic act of setting the intention for vibrational transformation that makes magic happen at the Global Gathering every year.

Intention is the seed of manifestation. Intention is amplified when a group of people come into alignment together. This is intention in action.

This intentional reunion of soul family has inspired revelations, stories of profound realizations, friendships forged that last a lifetime and mental habits created which continue to inject insight into people’s hearts on a daily basis.

Together we transform our vibration from protection and resistance to openness and expansion, energetically embracing all those around us.

Gathering with intention is an ancient practice which has woven a string of connection through communities since time eternal. It’s an essential part of our humanity to come together and it’s the act of doing it with intention that inspires the hearts of many to accelerate their own personal evolution and change the world, one awakening at a time.

This is a modern ceremony which dynamically enriches the lives of each and every person in attendance. With meditation, inspiration, knowledge from experts and offerings shared freely from energy workers and healers, the powerful energy created at the Global Gathering can move mountains.

Together we rise, together we shift, together we completely open to the potential for vibrational transformation.

The Importance of a Soul Family

The power within a community of people devoted to peace, love, and unity cannot be understated. Together, we release expectations and accept the gift of each other’s presence. This, to me, is the true meaning of family. Acceptance, connection, support and collaboration are core values at the Global Gathering.

As you walk the path toward oneness and growth, having a network of supportive loving individuals is powerful. Family keeps us rooted in the awareness of where we came from and what we are moving into; peace, fulfillment and connection. Let’s all come together and remind each other of this essential truth.

You Are My Mirror, You Help Me Grow

Looking into the eyes of the people in your life, you see yourself. You are constantly reflecting the parts of yourself that you love or dislike. It’s this reflection that helps you grow with awareness.

Giving yourself the opportunity to connect and reflect love, peace, and joy for so many others is a beautiful gift.

Why I Started the Global Gatherings

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.” – Goethe

The main reason I put this event together every year is to create a sacred space for people to come together and create a powerful intention that plants the seed of creation and personal evolution for the rest of the year.

This gathering is such a powerful energetic experience, and without you it isn’t possible. I invite you to explore the limitless possibilities, and to take action in creating a life that feels connected, fulfilling, and incredibly expansive.

Click here to learn more about the upcoming 2016 Global Gathering.