Live Daily Support From Panache - Stop Simply Surviving and Begin to Thrive!


March Soul Support – 2016

March 2016
Emotional Intelligence, The Doorway to Accessing Awareness
Begins March 1st
Register Below

The journey to your soul is through your feelings. Beginning March 1, you harness the courage to not just face your emotions, but to give yourself over to the experience of them in order to access awareness and authentically live in divine alignment.

Soul Support 2016 delivers a progressive level of divine grace that empowers you to break free of your struggles and suffering while experiencing the power of vibrational expansion to move into greater levels of self-belief and self-love. I will offer new programs and materials each month, online, so that you may access the support you need when it is most convenient for you. Details are below.

In the month of March…
Emotional Intelligence, the ability to identify, accept and experience our emotions, is a quality the majority of world has yet to embrace; yet it is one of the most important practices for the cultivation of awareness. Unexpressed and unexperienced emotions create blocks and heaviness within your being and slow your vibration. So we will begin by exploring our sadness. Unexpressed sadness creates the unwieldy heaviness that keeps you distanced from your dynamic potential. In honor of your accelerated evolution, it’s important to pierce the membrane of fear that surrounds your sadness so that this dense emotional content may be liberated and your dynamic potential unleashed.

March Soul Support Programming:

  • 1 New 60-minute Webcast “The Houseguest You Are Holding Hostage”
  • 4 20-Minute Audio Meditation Recordings to help you lay the foundation for this month’s expansion
    1. Recognize Sadness and Neutralize the Fear that Surrounds It
    2. Embracing Grief
    3. Igniting Empathy; Activating Spaciousness to Allow Sadness to Flow in Others
    4. Celebrating Sadness and the Catharsis that Comes with Release

In order to continue our Soul Support journey to break free of struggle and suffering, Panache supports you in ending your inner conflict with sadness; knowing that inclusion is the fastest path to oneness.