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Mayan Cruise - Sacred Pilgrimage

Mayan Cruise – Sacred Sites Pilgrimage

Sacred Sites Pilgrimage – Mayan Cruise
Connect with Your Ancient Intelligence
Saturday, October 14 – Saturday, October 21, 2017

Connection and re-uniting with the intelligent energy of the universe is the ultimate purpose of your life. It is what grace is for. That power is active within the sacred sites of this planet and my objective of this sacred Mayan journey is to connect you to that primordial sacred energy and make it active within you.

This is a journey of grace. It is a journey where fully activating that universal power within you will allow you to remember your divinity, to realize your sacredness and to live in oneness.

This sacred journey offers the blessing of receiving the bestowal of grace and re-establishing that power within you.

By doing these activations in sacred places that hold the primal universal energy, the power is amplified and the connection is deepened.

Join me on a sacred Mayan pilgrimage and connect to the ancient, universal intelligence. This will be the experience that will change your life and bring you into a new realization, a new universal perspective and a new ancient remembrance of who you are.

Click Here to Learn More.