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Webcast Series: Mother, Father, God: Re-establishing The Sacred Trinity – 3 Part Series Bundle


In this series, Panache offers three unique, extended 90-minute programs that each include a powerful 30-minute silent presence session.

From the moment of your birth your foundation is anchored by three primary relationships: the sacred feminine or “mother” in your life; the sacred masculine or “father”; and the sacred source of ultimate power and presence, the God of your choosing. We know that the majority of these primary relationships fall far short of the ideal. It’s only once you’ve reconciled these three primary precursors for vibrational increase that you can effectively launch yourself into the MORE that you’ve always known is possible.

Part 1:  Mother
Experience trapped emotions so that you may complete old hurts and wounds around the absence of the balanced Divine Feminine in your life. Embrace what was and source the love that you’ve been looking for within.

Part 2:  Father
Bring harmony and balance to the Divine Masculine so that the power and strength that dwells within your core is expressed in a balanced way that serves the greater good of you and those around you. Access your inner strength and be secure in the expression you were born to be.

Part 3:  God: 
With God all things are possible. When you embrace the Divinity that you are you begin to access the infinite power that has always dwelled within you.