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Ready to Face Your Shadow Masculine Energies? They Exist in All of Us.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, both divine energies exist in all human beings. When we think of the more aggressive qualities of masculine energy, we think, “Oh, THAT'S not me” but, in actuality, it is. Any time you employ force in any form to get your way – anger, dominance, passive aggression, tantrums, divisiveness, even gossip – you are wielding the shadowy sword of masculine power.

Where do you exert your Divine Masculine and when do you revert to your rougher masculine tactics to get your way? It's time to get real and slay our shadow male dragon that keeps us from our peace and integrity.

In Panache's latest on-line series The Sacred Union of the Sexes, Panache bursts your bubble when it comes to patriarchal traits. Think you don't possess the shadow side of masculine energy? Think again! Take a look at this clip.

Ready to Face Your Shadow Masculine Energies? They Exist in All of Us. from Panache Desai on Vimeo.

Join Panache for Part 2 of this dynamic on-line series, The Sacred Union of the Sexes, as he empowers both sexes to shift their energy away from the knee jerk, masculine strategies that keep perpetuating conflict toward the peaceful yet powerful energy of Divine Masculine love.

Click Here to Purchase this On-Line Program.