25 Dec Sharing The True Spirit Of Christmas
Christmas is my favorite holiday. The excitement building up to the big day is palpable. The wafting scents of cinnamon and pine. The sound of carols the twin’s laughter. The sparkling ornaments and twinkling lights. But what moves me most about the holidays is not what I experience in the outside world, but the love I feel emanating from deep inside.
This time of year can bring up a plethora of emotions for many people. Great sadness may also accompany great joy. It’s easy to get lost in the trappings of the season and the commercialized idea of how a “perfect” holiday should look. But the true spirit of Christmas really has nothing to do with tinsel and turkey. It has everything to do with what you feel in your heart.
It is time to go within. It’s time to lovingly embrace the aspects of yourself you don’t like to face, let your emotional content rise to the surface, and own it. Don’t judge. Dig deep within and fully accept whatever you find – your anger, your heartbreak, your frustration, and all your perceived missteps. Let these feelings rise and be your gifts this season. Let them wash over you and bless them for the divine learning experiences they are as you fully embrace and accept your perfect, magnificent self.
It’s time to love yourself as the Divine loves you- unconditionally and without limits. Once you’ve experienced this, go one step further and make a commitment to accept and connect to others in the same way. Share your love unconditionally as the Divine does. That, my sweet friends, is true Christmas spirit.
You are the brightest, most exceptional gift possible. Share your authentic self, your radiance, and your light to illuminate the lives of others. Give the gift of you this year, and every year for decades to come, because your presence on earth is what sets the world ablaze with love.
From our family to yours, have a wonderful Christmas.
I love you all, and I thank you for loving me.