06 Jan Tapping Into Your Creative Genius
The Precious Pause
A great classical composition is riddled with silence. Long musical phrases and intricate melodies are punctuated with pauses designed to accentuate the music. In life our ability to pause and dive into the infinite ocean of silence allows us to breathe into the fullness of our being in the midst of our daily experiences.
The ancient yogis and mystics observed that all things in creation are born from silence and upon the completion of their designated purpose they will once again return to their origin. Silence punctuates our lives, however in most cases, feeling the alien nature of it, most will need to do something to fill the perceived void. Silence is the domain of the soul and in moments of internal quietude, the silent symphony of your Soul Signature can be heard. The precious pause is an opportunity to connect with the deepest part of our true selves. A space in which inspiration is born and creative genius is realized. Rejuvenating, recalibrating and fully expressing the fullness of life, pausing allows even the most weary of travelers to access the power of presence. That is how meditation and contemplation as practices originally came into being.
At the start of the new year there is no better time to dive into the infinite void of silent felt presence, a state beyond the mind that allows one to transcend their own perceived limitations and access a life in which their spirit lights the way. Unplugging from the incessant stream of external stimulation allows the internal guidance and harmony required to live your purpose to arise.
This month, institute the conscious remembrance of the precious pause and dive into the stillness of your spirit. Be rejuvenated through conscious connection and pay attention to the exquisite melody that your soul has been playing all these years, the sweet sound of your Soul Signature.