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What is Life All About?

Free Online Seminar
What is Life All About?
Tuesday, November 21st at 4:30 ET / 1:30 PT
via Facebook Livestream

Why are you here? Why were you created?
When you answer these questions your purpose becomes clear. Your next step becomes clear.

When you see everything that comes before you, large or small, important or inconsequential, as all about those 2 questions, then you can see the big picture – and what is happening to you now becomes simply the perfect unfolding of your journey to remembrance.

Then life flows with divine will. Then you can relax, end your resistance to life and ‘what is’ and trust that life is unfolding for you.

In the 21 day program, The Return to Oneness, I will take you on a journey where you can understand God, how he became you and this world, and how he forgot his divinity. And then I will take you on a journey of remembrance.

So why are you here? Why were you created? Remembrance, recognition and restoration of authenticity – Enlightenment, Self-realization, Illumination. To expand bliss, abundance, peace and love in this world.

Register here for the Free Online Seminar by entering your Name and Email Address below. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly..


The year of oneness culminates with the December 21 day program The Return to Oneness. This is unlike any 21 day program before. In this profound 21 day experience Panache will take you through a deep understanding of God and how God manifests himself as creation. Then Panache will take you through your journey back to the full remembrance of your divinity and your return to oneness.