14 Jun How To Know When Divorce Is The Right Decision
Should you get a divorce? You’re faced with this heart wrenching choice of either moving on from a relationship that you’ve known for years or staying and having the courage to begin to explore everything you need to within you, to begin to take your relationship to a brand new expression.
The answer needs your active participation and inquiry because at the deepest level you know the answer to the question.
When the level of unworkability reaches enough of a threshold or a crescendo something in your life will unfold to present you with a greater possibility or a greater experience of self-love and self-care.
Begin to look at how you are showing up inside of your relationship. Begin to address what your expectations are. This is an opportunity to dive deeper into connection.
- Get clear about your role in your relationship dynamic.
- Get clear about any and all expectations that you have around your partner.
- Get clear about your partner’s ability to meet your needs.
Be honest with yourself. You have the answer that you need within you. Your heart knows when divorce is the right decision. Follow your inner guidance and intuition.
Follow your inner guidance and intuition and allow yourself to be guided into clarity as to how you move on from here.
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Hi Sweet Friends, I’m Panache Desai.
I’m often asked when divorce is the right decision…
More and more divorce is becoming an ever increasing statistic in society and people are being faced with this heart wrenching choice of either moving on from a relationship that they’ve known for years or staying and having the courage to begin to explore everything that they need to within them, to begin to take their relationship to a brand new expression.
Of course any answer that I give you needs your active participation and inquiry because ultimately at the deepest level, I believe you already know what the answer to that question is.
And, typically the answer is–when the level of unworkability reaches enough of a threshold or a crescendo something in your life will unfold to present you with a greater possibility or a greater experience of self-love and self-care.
And, typically in that moment this question, when is divorce the right decision will begin to be asked…
It’s something that I feel we have to constantly hold in our awareness… and it’s not so much that we need to hold divorce as a finality in our hearts in every moment of being in a relationship but that ultimately relationships are an opportunity to consciously choose love every single day…
…and that it takes all that we are, our attention, our appreciation, our allowing, our love in order to thrive in an ever busy environment where we are distracted…
…where we are pulled in a million different directions and where the needs and wants of others are constantly superseding our own needs and wants.
It is important my beloved friends, that you begin to look at how you are showing up inside of your relationship. It’s important that you begin to address what your expectations are.
- Are you holding your partner to a level of being that they have no hope of ever accessing?
- Are you blaming them for the love that you are unable to source and find from within yourself?
Ultimately this question is an opportunity to dive deeper into connection because more often than not, when divorce begins to arise in the forefront of your awareness, there is a greater evolutionary impulse within you that is wanting to be answered.
In every moment of life, we are presented with a choice. We’re presented with an opportunity. We’re presented with a greater platform through which we can come to know ourselves and we can abide in love as our new normal.
And so, as you are seated where you are right now, get clear about your role in your relationship dynamic. Get clear about any and all expectations that you have around your partner. Get clear about your partner’s ability to meet your needs.
Begin to be honest with yourself about the greater intuitive hidden guidance that you have inside of you about the future direction of your life.
You have the answer that you need within you and sometimes it’s as simple as having an uncomfortable conversation and beginning to walk into authenticity hand in hand with the person that you have committed to through your entire life in order to find out what’s available to you, in order to discover what’s next.
Your heart knows when divorce is the right decision. Your life will begin to show you. Please don’t wait until something breaks or something gives in.
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