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You Are Enough-The Essential Self

When you willingly reconnect to your Essential Self—­to your soul—­you immediately access the power and potential for unimaginable transformation. This power requires no effort, no pushing, no striving.

Your essential self is vast. it is pure consciousness, universal awareness, and it is the foundation of all expression, creativity, and expansion in this world. It is “you” in your most unadulterated form. You entered this world with this essential innocence and purity, but life’s events have distanced and covered over the core foundation of your being. You have forgotten the essential you.

When you forget, you do something very curious.You experience your mind thinking, your feelings arising, and your body functioning, and you conclude that those aspects of your experience are the totality of who you are. You say, “I’m fat,” “I’m depressed,” “I’m poor, broken, and hopeless,” “I’m angry,” or “I’m stupid,” as if you are the thought, feeling, situation, or body part.

Think about how it feels to identify as a body that is never perfect, always aging, often suffering, and eventually dying. Think about what it’s like to identify as chaotic thoughts—­some happy, some irrational, some hateful, some incoherent, and some cogent. Think about how it feels to identify as emotions that sometimes overpower you and at other times make you run away. It’s a roller-­coaster existence that could make anyone crazy.

No wonder you feel unworthy and sad. You have obscured your Essential Self and identified with a created self and the body, mind, and emotions—­all of which are in constant flux.

The ways in which humans have identified the seat of the self have moved in phases. These phases are evolutionary. Now the time has come for the phase of soul identification. You have a mind and you have a body, but in truth you are Soul.

When you willingly reconnect to your Essential Self—to your soul—­you immediately access the power and potential for unimaginable transformation. This power requires no effort, no pushing, no striving. It is the most natural experience of all, and yet because we have been conditioned to move so far away from it, the experience feels completely foreign.

This excerpt is from Panache Desai’s new book You Are Enough, published February, 2020 by HarperOne. 

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