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Free Online Seminar
Hopes and Dreams Made Real
Available December 15 2017 – January 2nd 2018

What is your dream? To be married with children, to be a billionaire, to have a perfect body, to be a super-hero, to be an enlightened master?

Why do you want these things and situations? What value do they hold for you? When you see why you want these things and what you are really seeking, then you can gain the clarity to achieve the true dream – oneness. From that foundation all hopes and dreams that will bring the highest fulfillment will spontaneously arise.

Your hopes and dreams can become reality, but those dreams may not be the ones you currently hold tightly to. They may actually be limiting you from receiving the highest and best. The possibilities are often more than what you expect.

Register here for the Free Online Seminar by entering your Name and Email Address below. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly..


There are keys that unlock possibilities – keys that turn possibilities into reality. In the Deep Density Detox, The Path to Freedom, beginning January 2nd, I will show you the 6 keys that allow you to live a life of freedom, a life where you experience the fullness of who you are. When you live in connection, resolution and freedom, then life can be lived in grace. Then there is nothing veiling your authentic Self or blocking your experience of Oneness.

  • Day 1 you receive a 30 minute, opening day teaching and activation: The Path to Freedom
  • For each of the next 6 days you receive a 30 minute profound extended teaching by Panache with one of the 6 keys to Freedom, with activation included.
  • In addition, for 6 days you receive a new 20 minute energetic meditation designed to support each day’s teaching.
  • You will be immersed in the divine energy for the entire week
  • You will also receive a daily intention to anchor you in the vibration of the daily teaching.