Live Daily Support From Panache - Stop Simply Surviving and Begin to Thrive!


September Soul Support – 2016

September Soul Support
Loving What Is: The Doorway to Perpetual Grace
Begins September 1st

Health challenges, financial catastrophe, emotional turmoil… and on the flip side of that… a sudden promotion, expansion and increase; everything in life that is out of your control or unexpected has the capacity to throw you out of balance.

Yes, even the best things that life has to offer can catapult you into a state of overwhelm and chaos.

But it doesn’t have to.

When you are empowered to align with the good, the bad and the ugly that life dishes up, you access a state of being that allows you to flow with whatever is arising

This newfound ability to love both the expansion as well as the contraction allows you to exist in a state of ever present neutrality. 

Vibrational transformation empowers you to focus your attention on what’s playing out WITHIN YOU in relation to what’s unfolding in your outer reality.

It shifts the onus of experience to the inner, facilitating empowerment and supporting you in remaining anchored to peace, presence and possibility in the midst of every eventuality.
I invite you to join me in September for Soul Support, where we will support each other in exploring how aligning with what is provides access to grace and total acceptance. 

September’s Soul Support Programming:

  • 1 New 60-minute Webcast Loving What Is: The Doorway to Perpetual Grace 
  • 4x 20-Minute Audio Meditation Recordings to help you lay the foundation for this month’s expansion
    1. Honoring Yourself is Honoring God
    2. Coherence: The Power of Authentic Alignment  
    3. A Peace that Surpasses All Understanding
    4. Love is the Foundation of All 

Soul Support 2016 delivers a progressive level of divine grace that empowers you to break free of your struggles and suffering while experiencing the power of vibrational expansion to move into greater levels of self-belief and self-love. Panache offers new online programs and materials each month so that you may access the support you need when it is most convenient for you.

Register Below Now to join Panache for his September Soul Support program.